blog challenge seven

activity 1

adolf hitler was a world leader but a very bad one. he enslaved many and tortured many. he stands out because he killed many. I didn’t choose hitler because i thought he was a good leader but for his actions. Only if hitler thought about what he was doing. what if someone killed his family well thats how many familys felt like along time ago. Hitler is someone who i would never want to be like and this is why he stands out to me.

blog challenge 6

Activity 1: Write a post explaining what you are going to do to attract readers to your blog

To attract people to my blog i would add things that people like. Game reviews and fun widgets would be cool. Things that everyone can relate to like new things the winner of something or a big surprise. The theme should be very attracting not bland or boring.

student blog challenge number 3

Activity 4. Watch the third video. Why is it important to check out the settings whenever you buy a new device? Default settings often allow the manufacturer to gain information about you without you realising it.


It’s important because sometimes people can look at your data and find lots of personal information like your phone number or your address. It’s ok to put some information but nothing to personal. some people only look for your personal information so they can find you. That’s why you shouldn’t [put to much.


Student blog challenge number 2

Activity 3If I were to visit your state or province, what would be the ‘must see’ places and why?

I think you should visit Toronto. Toronto is very busy but it has a lot of things to see. There are many places to eat and there is the CN Tower. it stands for Canadian notional tower. On the streets you will see many tall buildings. but the CN Tower stands  out the most. It’s the 3rd largest building in the world. There are many things to do inside for example you can look down from a glass floor and more. overall your going to have the time or your life.

Flappy bird review

Today im reviewing  flappy bird. Its a game where you make a bird go through pipes. it’s very hard and you need a lot of skill. The games not much but its very addicting. Most people are addicted to the game. Daily people try to find cheats or hacks to get to a higher score. Often it works also people try to find free knockoffs of the game but sadly flappy bird was taken off the appstore. But if you already got it before you can get it again.